Asha’arite Dogma

Regarding faith, which is related to the attributes of Allah and His Essence, deeds and belief; more than nine tenths of Muslims embrace Ashcarī faith, in reference to Abū al-Ḥasan al- Ashcarī, who lived in Baghdad in the fourth century AH. This faith is characterized by its defining belief as an oral testimony to the oneness of Allah and His prophet’s message, which means that the followers of this faith do not charge people with infidelity by judging their actions.
Moroccans chose the Ashcarī doctrine which shuns accusing another Muslim of apostasy, and chose the Maliki school of jurisprudence characterized by a rich methodology in deriving judgments from the original sources (Qur’an and Sunnah) and by the importance it gives to public interest, and the ability to integrate a number of people’s cultural practices in Sharia..
Muslims in Morocco adhere to the same doctrine and the same school of jurisprudence, or maḍhad.
Morocco shares these two constants, doctrine and maḍhad, with a number of countries, especially in West Africa.