Religious Media
It should be recalled that the religious service rests largely on the transmission of the message; that is, what is known today as ‘communication’. In ancient traditions, it is the sermons of imams, preachers and Friday sermonizers, the imams’ guidance and fatwas. This transmission was mostly done directly in mosques.
When we talk today about religious media, we are referring to the use social media available through technology. In this regard, in particular in the Kingdom of Morocco, we can mention the two main media: Mohammed VI Radio for the Holy Qur’an and Mohammed VI Television Channel for the Holy Qur’an.
Media Establishment:
The Commander of the Faithful, King Mohammed VI, ordered the establishment of these two media within the institutions of the National Company for Radio and Television. He wanted to put them at the disposal of the scientific institution to carry out the task of a broad transmission of the authentic Sharia rulings, the dissemination of the values of moderate religiosity and the rejection of immoderation and extremism. Full cooperation is under way between the National Company for Radio and Television and the scientific institution for the supervision of the programs of both the radio station and the TV channel.
The aim of the editorial line of the radio station and the TV channel is to preserve spiritual security and to highlight the specificity of the Moroccan approach to managing the religious field that is derived from the constants and the endeavor to consolidate the values of knowing and acknowledging one another according to the guidance of the Holy Qur’an and contributing to the promotion of Moroccan cultural heritage; this heritage that is vibrant with religious wisdom sponsored by mosques, spiritual fraternities and schools of traditional education.
When the Commander of the Faithful launched, on November 2, 2018, the program “Hadith Lectures” aiming at enlightening citizens concerning the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, which is the second source of religion after the Qur’an, detailed information was made available to His Majesty on the services of both the radio station and the TV channel that can be summed up as follows:
- Radio: broadcast by land and by satellite, its airtime is 8,760 hours per year. The programs it broadcasts include the recitation of the Qur’an, the interpretation of Hadith and the Prophet’s biography, the dissemination of religious ethics, services to listeners through interactive programs and family-related programs, religious hymns and songs praising the Prophet. These programs are broadcast in Arabic, Tamazight, Hassani, French and English.
- The TV channel’s airtime is 2,942 hours annually; its programs include reading and interpreting the Qur’an, the Prophet’s Hadith and biography, guidance on religious training, family and child programs, literacy programs and cultural programs. The programs are broadcast in Arabic, Tamazight, Hassani, French and English.
Mohammed VI Stations:
Mohamed VI Radio Station for the Holy Qur’an and the Mohammed VI TV Station for Holy Qur’an enjoy a high level of listening and viewing inside and outside Morocco, especially by Moroccans in Europe and by Muslims in African countries.
Ministry of Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs Website:
It contributes to the religious media. This is reflected in the diversity of its services, the large number of its visitors, the wealth of its religious contents, and its openness to forms of communication. The number of its Google indexed articles surpasses 200,000, in addition to more than 6,000 texts, videos and photos on Facebook, millions of viewings on YouTube, and more than 5,000 Twitter subscribers.