The Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
Under the Dahir No 1-15-75 Ramadan 1436 (June 24th, 2015) Establishing Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema and modified by Dahir No 1-16-81 of 16 Ramadan 1437 (June 24th, 2016) Establishing the transfer of the Registered Office of the Foundation to Fez, The Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema is the first body of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema.

The Tasks of the Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
The Higher Council shall be in charge of the general affairs of the Foundation.
It shall decide on all the issues in which the Foundation takes an active interest and makes decisions that allow it to attain its objectives, namely:
- To define the general orientations of the Foundation;
- To study and approve the Foundation’s annual action program;
- To examine the questions submitted to it by the President of the Foundation;
- To discuss and approve the Foundation’s budget project;
- To examine and approve the project of the Foundation’s rules of procedure;
- To study the applications of the would-be members of the Foundation and to submit them to the President of the Foundation;
- To approve the annual report on the Foundation’s activities and the financial report mentioned in Articles 23 and 25 below;
- To take cognizance of the report prepared by a chartered accountant on the financial situation of the Foundation
The Composition of the Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
The Higher Council of the Foundation shall be composed, in addition to the Vice President of the Foundation in his capacity as the president, of all the members of the Foundation.
The Vice President shall be appointed by the President of the Foundation from among the personalities reputed for their competency, their integrity and their scientific visibility.
The Meetings of the Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
The Higher Council shall convene at the invitation of its president at least once a year and as necessary. The invitation shall be accompanied by an agenda; it is sent to the members at least one month before the date the meeting is to be held.
The chairing of the meetings of the Higher Council shall be entrusted to the person designated by the President of the Foundation. Failing that, the chairing of the meetings shall be entrusted alternately to the Council members, according to the conditions set forth by the rules of procedure of the Foundation.
The meetings of the Higher Council are valid if half of the members are in attendance. Decisions are made by consensus or by the absolute majority of the members present. In case of an even number of voices, the President shall have a casting vote.
The Specialized Standing Committees of the Higher Council of Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
The Higher Council shall be assisted in the discharge of its tasks by specialized standing committees. The Higher Council may set up ad hoc committees whose task is to examine particular questions relevant to its duties.
The standing specialized committees shall include:
- The committee on scientific and cultural activities;
- The committee on Sharia studies;
- The committee on the revitalization of African Islamic heritage;
- The committee on communication, cooperation and partnership.
The Foundation’s rules of procedure shall decide on the powers of these committees, their make-up and the terms of their operation.