The Maliki Madhhab in West Africa

During the seminar organized by the section of the Mohammed VI foundation of African Oulema in South Africa under the theme of: “Common religious Constants: Foundations of the African Identity”, Doctor Farida Zomorod introduced the Maliki doctrine in West African countries, from three angles: History, characteristics and propagation factors.
Hence, Professor Farida presented an overview about the entry of the Maliki doctrine to the West African countries, which goes with the date of entry of Islam to this region just after the Islamic conquest of Morocco during the first century of migration of the Prophet. Then, this quickly settled and spread in different paths such as the occidental, the Moroccan and African paths.
After that, Doctor Zomorod moved to the transition of the Maliki doctrine from the far north-west of Africa to sub-Saharan countries due to the natural geographical spread and the ease of navigation through the desert, the convoys of Hajj , which was launched from West African countries to Hijaz, containing several Oulema, and the presence of different scientific centers in those countries also contributed to the dissemination of the Maliki doctrine. However, The strong ties that have connected Northwest Africa with Sub-Saharan countries have also contributed to the unification of the doctrine politically speaking.
As for the characteristics of the Maliki doctrine in West African countries, Professor Zomorod stated that it is the only one known in the region with its advantages. These points made Oulema diffuse and disseminate the doctrine of the capital of the Prophet peace be upon him, especially due to the fact that it is one of the most moderate, realistic and flexible Islamic jurisprudence.